I get these visions of myself when I wake up after a night out.
Why did you molest the "Ryan Gosling in 20 years" bartender? (because he was a piece)
Why did you annoy the shit out of that cop? (because you like trouble)
Why did you spent that money? (because it burns holes in my purse until I get rid of it)
Why did you say those things? (this question I ask myself more than fathomable)
Why. Exactly. don't know.
Went to see a band called Aloke in Greenpoint last night so Sam could shoot them some more. Ehhhhh. Car service. Brooklyn makes life harder.
This place they were performing at was super weird and I have no idea what it's even there for. There weren't many people there but no big, I was with Sam, and a girl Jess who dates one of the guys in the band. Girl time. Always a treat.
So this band is composed of four precious little bits of genetic success. They are all handsome. How does that work? I don't know or care. It just makes a girl feel fuzzy inside. If you don't get the whole "girls thinking guys in bands are cool" thing, then I just don't know what to say. It's a law of god. I didn't make this shit up.
Anyway, who doesn't love live music?
They were good. If you want to know yourself. aherm.

As usual, Sam took more pictures than imaginable and people like that.
We hung out, I drank too much (REALLY?! NO.)
Don't die of shock.
This is when I decided that I was in love with the bartender. I had to let him know this by telling him how much I hated his tattoos and by asking him how old he is. When he said 38 I said "Do you live with your mom?"
He totally liked it.
Provocation is sexahhhh.

I'm not even going to get into how obnoxious I was at this bar, it's embarrassing.
We went to some other bar etcetera etcetera. Nothing happened there. Isn't that the way it goes? You have to go to someones personal residence to have maximum funnage.
Went to Jess and Paul's apt which is super cute and spacious.
We took slumber party pictures just the ladies somewhere in there.

Then we did drug talk which consists of saying
"You're so awesome"
"We're totally friends"
"I'm having so much fun, seriously"
Like if you didn't throw in the seriously part, no one would believe you.
Girls are amazing that way.
Anyway, everyone was happy and it was retardedly fun.
Yay for friends.
I recall trying to teach Christian how to dance pepaw style, then Sam yelling at me for always having to lead.
That statement falls into so many truisms of my life.
Then she tried to lead me and kept shouting, "Put your HEAD. on my SHOULDER. Do it."
The Beautiful People. Then run the world we are just living in it.

Boys are fun and girls are fun.
Boys are girls together are the most fun.
Coming home at 5 am is horrible.
The End.

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