I think I wasted all of my funny today trying to amuse Bianca and Co.
Anyway, Beetlejuice, Mermaids, Edward Scissorhands, and Reality Bites. Long fucking day of cinema, especially since i hate Winona Ryder. She is the worst dancer in history yet dances in all of these movies. She is an absolutely nerd, and not in the rad way. She is just a hot oxycontin little mess.
But the whole sitch was worth it just to see the DAY-O possessed dinner scene from Beetlejuice. Amazing. Michael Keaton also fucking geeeeenius in that movie. He is such a repulsive creep.
Stephanie was a spaz for the entirety of that movie. What her deal is I don't know but I think she secretly sleeps in some futuristic energy pod/coffin. It truly does not stop. The moving around. Its exhausting to watch.
Food cramming. We are not Ethiopians on our first trip out of the barren wasteland. But maybe we are.
There was cake. It was good. So good.
Put it in your mouth! Thats what he said! Oh jokes!
i enjoyed. mm. i think red velvet cake is sexah.
Speaking of sexah, or usually not at all, we perused Playgirl for awhile. I think Corrine keeps a copy in her pants to take out whenever possible. We also used the word flacid more time in one day than ever in recorded history. Weiner talk is funny!
There were blankies. So many blankies.
Dballs is hiding. Sterp is taking a nap and eating a Ruffle at the exact same time.
Liv looks like she would rather be smelling Ethan Hawke's vinegar balls than spending time with us. What an asshole. JKjkjkjkjk, I love saying things like that so she will send me a text like what the fuck is your problem. I am starting the countdown now for said text.
There was of course continuous talking over the movies. A lot of it was me stating why I hate Winons. I want to have a Jeff Bridges-athon. Hot.
I took this picture of Naomi simply to have evidence that her nose is hilariously cute. What a Little Debbie.
Turns out you can't really see her nose. But you can see that televisions look like tools of possession when photographed. Naomi getting her brain eaten: jokes on her!
Caitlin and Bianca sit like lesbians.
I decided not to adjust the weird romantic lighting effect because it suits the obvious hearts and balloons thing they have going. Bianca, this is what you get for calling me a lesbian all day. That goes for the rest of you to. Shut it.
Where are you Chiara?
Oh, not in any of these pictures? Aparently the best place to sit is directly behind me so I don't catch you making ugly eating face, gay snuggling, or reading dirty magazines. Good call.
I drank three cans of Coke. That was awes.
Not awes. The fact that this is actually in the script of Reality Bites: "You're on the inside track to Loserville, USA."
I hate you 90s.
These pictures make us look amazingly boring. Incorrect camera phone, so incorrect.
I think I have just once again proved I am able to make all people look bad on film.
can you send me the recipe for bread balls?
Another memorable quip from Reality Bites via Janeeeene Garafafug to angsty Wino: "You're high." Totes my new comeback line.
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