Not La Lohan!

Lovemaking must have required some delicacy and careful positioning since palaeontologists believe most dinosaurs did not have a true penis. Their genitalia, like those of modern birds and reptiles, are thought to have been tucked up beneath their tail in a small vent called the cloaca, Latin for sewer.
Cloacal organs in birds, reptiles and amphibians, are used for copulation, urination and defecation, and do not show on the outside.
If dinosaurs also had cloaca, according to theory penetration would have occurred when the male cloaca filled up with blood and bulged out into the cloaca of the female - much like a couple of plumber's plungers pushing against each other. But lining up two cloacas was not as easy as you may think, particularly for dinosaurs the size of a house trying to line up cloacal openings that might have been only 20 cm in diametre and were tucked away under their thick tails, which could not be twisted easily.
The male would have had to move the opening of his cloaca close to that of the female so that his sperm could enter the female cloaca in what is referred to as a 'cloacal kiss'. Today in animals with cloacas, this exchange can happen very fast, sometimes in just a few seconds.

Well well well.
Looks like the conditions have improved.
Not really gettin on tappa yas!
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