too tired for capital letters.
i got a new tube in my back tire today so i rode around forever an ever with jeylan.
i had my first slurpee of the summer.
two complaints then no more:
1. my chest hurts from breathing all hard on my tiny ass trick bike (ps i forgot what a shitshow going over the manhattan bridge is on one of those little things)
2. i have a fucking throbbing rager of a toof and im scared
Now I can use capitals.
My soulmate/sewlmate Porto's birthday is right nyah.
I love you Stephanie, you make me want to cuddle.
You make me a better woman.
You had me at hello.
Also, you complete me.
Also, I do like the movie Jerry McGuire and I will quote it whenever I damn well please.
What I don't feel like doing yet is uploading the shitty pictures I took from her barbequebe today.
So I will do that tomorrow.
There are things I love other than Stephanie and her birthday:
I love Hiyme and Olive.
I love that they have a new apartment and are my neighbors now.
I love Hiyme staring at this rack thinking about how to make his home more efficient and snazzy.
I love rubber gloves.
I am going to put it right out there and say, I think they feel really sesssssual.
I would wear a rubber leotard.
If that is too much information for you, then my suggestion is this.
I love penne, radicchio, baby spinach, pancetta, diced onion, garlic, good olive oil and a little stock.
And fresh grated parm.
And a glass of passionfruit carrot juice.
And pink Himalayan salt.
I 'love' dinner at Pink Pony with happy couples.
Tastes like bitter.
JK seriously I like eating dinner there.
With those people.
Also the 8 other people who were at the table.
It was a big table.
I love big tables?
Also a truth, I just decided.
I love how JensRocker looked at her going away party.
I love the lighting on the roof deck thing at The Delancey.
I also love that she is going to go somewhere and try something new, which is brave and smart and free.
I love my niece when we lunch at B Bar.
I love giving her a purple turtle tail.
I love her guilty-ass Oreo ice cream bar face situation.
I love being the one to get her nudies in the fountain at my favorite park.
I also love how much she looks like her mom.
I also love that her mom is my sister and her stomach is hugely preggs again.
I love baby hair.
I love how shes eating.
For the 18th time.
In like 2 hours.
I love JJ being with my family.
Or being in my family.
Same diff.
I love Mega Beth and how she haggled a bum over long stem rose pricing.
2 FOR $5.
I love that I got the other one.
Because it made me feel pretty walking home with it.

I love the way it feels when the x ray tech drapes you with a lead apron.
You're like a rock sinking into a river.
It makes me lethargic in the most awesome way.
I've been thinking about it for days actually.
I am pretty sure that puts me at a new level of creepy bordering on serial killer status.
But I would never kill anyone because look at all this shit I love.
I am so full of love that it hurts a little bit.
In a good way.
It is officially time to stop talking.
(PS my other sewlmate. Prince Rogers Nelson. His birthday just ended 33 minutes ago. Holler atcher Jeyhovah Wit. XO)
i like the way you blog it the way it is.
they made me type "inersh" in order to comment.
(while ago, i saw your pictures on flickr with your blog and clicked)
its ok. i am married and a lady.
no its not ok you fucking pervert....
PS: Taiwan can lick my nutsack
PSS: I had to write "lotati" in order to comment...NO ONE FUCKING CARES
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