This website is genius because everyone is interested in this topic.
On a small personal scale, look at New York.
Hi, its all we talk about. The best goss! Gasp-worthy!
Anyway, I'm watching Traffic tonight and obviously my love for Benicio is eternal.
He is such a squinty fox.
He is Mexican heaven.
He is old and weird and secretive looking.
How cute is it that there are STATS about him and his current tiny beautiful 20 year old girlfriend?
Ana De Armas Benicio Del Toro
Age 20 41
Height 5' 2" 6' 1"
Eyes Green Green
Hair Brown Black
Sign Taurus Aquarius
Natl Spanish American
Occ Actress Actor
Can we make a website like this for non famous people?
Not actually lets never ever do that.
Big news.
One of my favorite people in the world came home today from being abroad.
Hearing her voice was good and seeing her face will be better.
Here is an illustration of why I miss her when she is gone

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