I concur.
At least I'm not this lady trying to peddle weird Paula-Abdul-in-her-heyday onesie organza pantsuits on Ebay:

just in case it wasn't horrifying enough, lets do a weird bloated abdomen bony Cruella knee cap detail shot:

Even Prince circa 89 would be like 'girl that shit is very flouncy if you ask me'
PS yes that is a real listing and I sort of considered bidding just so I can have a backup funny drunk costume.
Peeeeearl button deeeeeeeetail.
Lets on get back on track with a picture of my boobs.

oliviamalone.com obvio.
Stephanie and I have mastered the dirty roll in the yard shot.
Also why do I always look like the ringleader of the local fight club?
Not really that into it.
There should be a dialogue bubble by my head saying "next motherfucker get greased and ready because I am tre-zero segundos away from ripping yer limbs off and beating your boyfriend with them"
Everybody just relax.
Tye-Dye Party tomorrow for one of my besties and also Crystal. I mean Crystals ok I guess too.

Technically Jeylan is spelled Ceylan, so lets call it C+C Hippie Factory.
I'm gonna tye-dye the shit out of my sling!
FYI I am supes hype to blog AC but first I need pics of my injury hint hint Olivia Denise Stephanie Nicki.
i need some pics too, my camera was broke, as per usual when anything interesting happens, nikki promised an email of some...?!?!
Typical Denise...
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